Student Mental Health & Academics

Student Mental Health & Academics

A MySQL project exploring correlations between performance and student mental health.

In this project, I explore correlations between students and mental health– for both males and females. I have an older version, created 2 years ago, which doesn’t make use of temp tables. It can be found HERE.

Viewing Tables

SELECT * FROM descriptions;
SELECT * FROM conditions;

Examining the Data & Ensuring it’s clean

-- Examining the data and ensuring that data is clean.

-- Dropping column with missing ID for observations
ALTER TABLE conditions
DROP COLUMN match_id;

-- Adding a blank column with the same name, "match_id"
ALTER TABLE conditions
ADD match_id text;

-- Filling in the "match_id" column with row numbers
SET @row_number = 0;
UPDATE conditions
SET match_id = (@row_number:=@row_number + 1);

-- Correcting capitalization on genders & respective titles on college years.
UPDATE descriptions
SET gender = 
    WHEN gender = 'female' THEN 'Female'
    WHEN gender = 'F' THEN 'Female'
    WHEN gender = 'male' THEN 'Male'
    WHEN gender = 'M' THEN 'Male'
    ELSE gender

UPDATE descriptions
SET year = 
    WHEN year = 'year 1' THEN 'First Year'
    WHEN year = 'year 2' THEN 'Sophomore'
    WHEN year = 'year 3' THEN 'Junior'
    WHEN year = 'year 4' THEN 'Senior'
    ELSE year

ALTER TABLE conditions
RENAME COLUMN `Marital Status` TO `married`;

-- Adjusting a duplicate nursing major name and trimming any other potential Majors & gpa with trim().
SELECT major, count(major)
FROM descriptions
GROUP BY major

UPDATE descriptions 
SET major = TRIM(major);

UPDATE descriptions 
SET gpa = TRIM(gpa);


– Avg age for those married?

SELECT avg(age) AS avg_age, married
FROM descriptions
JOIN conditions
	ON id = match_id
WHERE married = 'Yes'
GROUP BY married;

– Top Major For Males? Females?

    sum(Gender='Male') AS male,
    sum(Gender='Female') AS female
FROM descriptions
JOIN conditions
	ON id = match_id
GROUP BY major
ORDER BY male DESC, female DESC;

– Which GPA range has the highest ratio of anxious students?

SELECT RANK() OVER (ORDER BY gpa DESC) AS gpa_rank, GPA, sum(anxiety = "Yes") total_students_with_anxiety, COUNT(gpa) AS total_students_in_gpa_range,
sum(anxiety = "Yes")/COUNT(gpa) * 100 AS percent_of_anxious_students
FROM descriptions
JOIN conditions
	ON id = match_id

Taking a look at those with 2 or more conditions

# Creating a temporary table which depicts

CREATE TABLE atleast_two (
    Major NVARCHAR(50),
    Year NVARCHAR(50),
    Depression NVARCHAR(3),
    Anxiety NVARCHAR(3),
    Panic_Attacks NVARCHAR(3),
    Condition_Num NVARCHAR(50)

select * from atleast_two;

INSERT INTO atleast_two
    WHEN (Depression = 'Yes' AND Anxiety = 'YES') THEN 'Atleast Two'
    WHEN (Depression = 'Yes' AND `Panic Attacks` = 'YES') THEN 'Atleast Two'
    WHEN (Anxiety = 'Yes' AND `Panic Attacks` = 'Yes') THEN 'Atleast Two'
    WHEN (Depression = 'NO' AND Anxiety = 'No' AND `Panic Attacks` = 'No') THEN 'No Condition'
    ELSE 'Neither' END AS Condition_Num
SELECT Major,Year, Depression, Anxiety, `Panic Attacks`
FROM descriptions
JOIN conditions
ON descriptions.ID = conditions.Match_ID) as sub;

– Of the students taking the 3 most popular majors, how many have 2 or more conditions? Their ratio from total students? – How many don’t have any conditions? Their ratio from total students?

SELECT Major, sum(Condition_Num = 'Atleast Two') AS Two_Or_More_Conditions,
round((sum(Condition_Num = 'Atleast Two')/count(Major)), 2) * 100 AS Percent_of_Students_With_Two_Or_More_Conditions,
    sum(Condition_Num = 'No Condition') AS Not_Sick_Count,
round((sum(Condition_Num = 'No Condition')/count(Major)), 2) * 100 AS Percent_of_Students_With_No_Conditions,
    count(Major) AS Total_Students_In_Major
FROM atleast_two
ORDER BY Total_Students_In_Major DESC

-- We can see that the higher the GPA, the more anxious the students are!
-- Could this mean that those with low GPA's have a lack of interest / those with high GPA's are worried about upkeeping their scores?
-- These insights shine light into the mental health going on with students not only in the USA, but in the middle east, as well.